Privacy policy

The present privacy policy defines and informs you of the way in which WOLF Lingerie uses and protects information that you transmit to us, if necessary, when you use this accessible site starting from the URL following: (hereafter the “Site”).
Please note that this privacy policy is likely to be modified or supplemented constantly by WOLF Lingerie, in particular in order to conform to any development legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the top of the present policy. These modifications online engage the User as of their setting. It is appropriate consequently that the User regularly consults the present privacy policy and of use of the cookies in order to become acquainted with its possible modifications. You can revoke cookies here : Revoke cookies
Generally, it is possible for you to visit the Portfolio Site of WOLF Lingerie without communicating any personal information concerning you. In any assumption, you in any manner are obliged to transmit this information to WOLF Lingerie.
Nevertheless, in the event of refusal, it may be that you cannot profit from certain information or services which you asked. For this reason indeed, WOLF can come in certain cases to require of you to inform your name, first name, addresses e-mail, phone number, company and function (hereafter your “Personal information”). By providing this information, you accept expressly that they are treated by WOLF, for purposes indicated to item 2 below like for purposes recalled at the end of each form.
In accordance with the General Regulation on the Data protection (General Protection Regulation Dated) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14th, 2016, and with the Data-processing Law and Freedoms of the modified January 6th, 1978, WOLF Lingerie informs you of the following points:

  1. Identity of the person in charge of the treatment :
    The person in charge of the treatment is company WOLF Lingerie his administrative and financial director Eric Bricout, having its head office 2 Alfred Kastler Street 67610 – La Wantzenau
    Phone: +33 3 90 29 29 00 – To contact Wolf Lingerie you can email us at the following adress : dpo[at]
  2. Finalities of the treatment :
    WOLF is likely to process your Personal information:
    (a) for purposes to provide you information or the services which you asked (in particular: the sending of the Newsletter, commercial offer, etc); and/or
    (b) for purposes to collect information allowing us to improve our Site, our products and services (in particular by the means of cookies); and/or
    (c) for purposes of being able to contact you in connection with various events relative to WOLF, in particular including the update of the products and the support customer.
  3. Recipient
    Only WOLF is recipient of your Personal information. Those, that it is in individual or incorporated form, are never transmitted to a third, notwithstanding the subcontractors to which WOLF appeals. Neither WOLF, nor any of its subcontractors, carry out the marketing of the personal data of the visitors and Users of his Site.
  4. Time of conservation
    Your Personal information are stored by WOLF only for time corresponding to the finality of the collection which could not exceed 120 months in any event.
  5. Laws Computer and Freedoms
    You have the following rights concerning your Personal information, which you can exert by writing at the address to us postal mentioned as in point 1.

    • Right of access and disclosure of information
      You have the ability to reach the Personal information which concern you.
      To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert your right of access by the means of a written request at the address postal mentioned to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the National Commission of Data processing and Freedoms (the “CNIL”).
    • Right of correction of the data
      Under this right, the legislation entitles you to require correction, the update, the locking or the obliteration of the data concerning you which can prove inaccurate if necessary, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.
      Also, you can define general and particular directives relating to the fate of the data in personal matter after your death. If necessary, the heirs to a person deceased can require to take into account the death of their close relation and/or to proceed to the updates necessary.
      To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert, for your own account or on behalf of one of your close relations deceased, your right of correction by the means of a written request at the address postal mentioned to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the CNIL.
      However, because of the obligation of security and confidentiality in the data processing in personal matter which falls on WOLF, you are informed that your request will be treated provided you report the proof of your identity, in particular by the production of a scan of your title of valid identity (in the event of request by our dedicated electronic form) or of a signed photocopy of your title of valid identity (in the event of in writing addressed request).
      WOLF informs you that it will be in right, if necessary, to be opposed to the obviously abusive requests (from their number, their repetitive or systematic character).
    • Right of opposition
      The exercise of this right is not possible that in one of the two following situations: When the exercise of this right is founded on legitimate reasons; or when the exercise of this right aims at preventing so that the data collected are used at ends of commercial prospection.
      To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exert your right of opposition by the means of an addressed written request at the address postal indicated to item 1, you will find while clicking on the link according to a model of mail worked out by the CNIL.
  6. Deadlines for reply
    WOLF is committed answering your request for access, correction or opposition or any other request complementary to information within a reasonable delay which could not exceed 2 months as from the reception of your request.
  7. People receiving benefits entitled and transfer towards a third country of the European Union
    WOLF informs you that it has recourse to its people receiving benefits entitled to facilitate the collection and the processing data that you communicated to us. These people receiving benefits can be located apart from the European Union and have disclosure of information collected by the means as of various forms present on the Site (except for the form allowing you to exert your laws Computer and Freedoms which is proposed and exploited by WOLF).
  8. Complaint near the competent jurisdiction
    If you consider that WOLF does not respect its obligations taking into consideration your Personal information, you can address a complaint or a request near the competent jurisdiction. In France, the competent jurisdiction is the CNIL to which you can address a request by electronic way while clicking on the following link:
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